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Old Scenes
Early 1900s in North Dakota, friends of Louis Larsons
I love that wagon!
circa 1930 Washburn, ND, Lulah Larson's friend, Esther Fisher,
shown here, died soon after
1922 ND group during threshing season. Check out that
outhouse and the overalls.
circa 1920s ND buttes near Lewis & Clark camp site. Note those black
stockings!I think that is the same butte that I was climbing and had to
be rescued in 1946. I panicked. That is what happens sometimes
with twelve year old girls!
1924 Hancock School picnic gathering, Miss Peterson, the teacher.
Many Ecklunds, Larsons and Reimers attended this country school.
Donna attended 1-8th grade, beginning September 1940. In additional
to the school house, there was a barn and two double outhouses.
circa 1919 Alice Larson with teacher in back row (Stanton?, ND)
Irene Larson with David Larson and unknown classmate in front
circa 1932 ND Lulah Larson helping hired men get haircuts
Summer 1916 ND This photo was sent to Mary (Mari) Ecklund from
Anna Lundberg in December as a Christmas greeting. My guess is
that the middle child was Pearl, the smallest perhaps Rudy
circa early 1900s Relatives or friends of Mari (Mary Ecklund) I believe they are relatives in Sweden? Or--perhaps a church group there?
1977 aerial view of farm once known as the first John Ecklund homestead, then it became the Mari (Mary) Larson farm after John's death, then the Louis Larson farm, then the Godtfred and Irene Reimers farm, where Donna, Noreen Lavyrl, Patricia, and Harvey lived most of their early years. The farm is now owned by Gary Reimers, son of Ernest Reimers, nephew of Godtfred Reimers, grandson of Adolph and Minnie Reimers, great grandson of Godfrey and Elsa Reimers. The farm and several of the original log sheds are no longer there. Many of the trees are gone too. Where the road curves to the left, one sees a hoist about thirty feet from the red door of the house. That is where the entrance to John's original dugout was located. John brought his bride, Mari, there to live in 1885. In that dugout, Mari gave birth to Hattie, in 1886. The log house was built in 1887. The land has long since been scraped and leveled. Even after the dugout was no longer in use as a home, it became a storage place for ice cakes used for iceboxes, and other root cellar purposes. I recall us hovering in that space on several occasions when North Dakota experienced summer storms. There were times when we came out to discover machinery tossed about into twisted metal. Another time a tornado left neighboring farms with buildings in ruins. I remember when there were still dirt shelves in the dugout, where the simple rough beds had once been located.