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Hattie Larson Obituary
circa 1929 Aunt Bess and Hattie Blaca Larson
1929 July 12 Washburn, North Dakota
Daughter of Pioneer Family in Basto Community Funeral Monday
Mrs. Louis Larson, age 42, of the Basto community, died at her home Friday afternoon, of heart trouble. Her death came as a real shock to her family and her many friends. She had not been feeling well for a couple of days, but no thought was given that her condition was so serious. Her daughter, Irene, was the only one at home at the time, as Mr. Larson had gone to Underwood that afternoon, and the other children were visiting neighbors. Mrs. Larson was lying down, resting and had asked for a drink of water. This was brought by her daughter, who raised her up for her to drink, but she passed away in daughter’s arms. Before her death Dr. Gordon had been summoned, but he arrived after she had died. The doctor stated her death was due to heart trouble.
Funeral service were hold Monday afternoon at the home and later at the Birka church, in charge of Rev. John Nelson, of Underwood. Rev. Oscar Swenson, of Washburn, preached the funeral sermon. The choir of the Birka Home Missionary Society sang several appropriate songs. The beautiful floral tribute mutely expressed the high esteem in which she was held in the community. The pallbearers were: Victor Leidholm, Carl Leidholm, Arthur Leidholm, Albert Swanson, John Barlow, and Carl Swanson.
The remains were laid to rest in the Birka cemetery.
Hattie Ecklund Larson was born in the Basto community September 26, 1886 and at the time of her death Friday, July 12, was 42 years, 9 months and 16 days. She died in the old homestead, the place where she was born. She was the daughter of pioneer settlers, Mr. and Mrs. John Ecklund, who were among the first to settle the country west of Washburn. There she grew to young womanhood and after the parents died, she with her two brothers and one sister continued to live in the community.
April 1, 1903 she was united in holy wedlock to Louis Larson and to this union were born nine children. Seven of whom survive. Two children died in infancy. In April last year Mr. and Mrs. Larson celebrated their silver wedding anniversary and many friends and relatives came to help them enjoy the day. Her untimely death will be keenly felt by all who knew her and especially by the husband and children who are deprived of a mother’s loving care. The children are Lula, David, Alice, Irene, Adeline, Walter and Chester. She is also survived by one brother John Ecklund, one sister, Mrs. Chris Bakken, of Falkirk and a half-brother, John Erickson, of Blackwater. Her brother, Walford, passed away in 1922.
Mrs. Larson was loved by all who knew her, and her absence in the community will be deeply felt by her friends an neighbors. She was member of the Birka Home Missionary Society and at all times had worked faithfully for its cause. The entire community extends to the bereaved husband and motherless children its sincere sympathy.