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Donna and Bruce Bloomquist are retirees who moved from Illinois in1988. Donna was a registered nurse and flight attendant in the days when the latter was called "stewardess." She grew up on a farm along the Missouri River in North Dakota, near where scoria/red buttes mark the region where Lewis and Clark wintered before continuing their journey to the Pacific Ocean, with Sakakawea's guidance. (Note, the name and spelling of the Indian guide differs from that of Sacajawea, as is most commonly reported). The web site for Sakakawea has special significance for her because she knows some of the people involved, who have made a livelihood out of sharing their familiarity with the Missouri River and Lewis & Clark History. They live in the region where Sakakawea traveled and lived. Now they share their knowledge of the Native Americans and that period in history. Check out the web site.

Donna has been typing a lengthy manuscript for her mother, who had handwritten over 10,000 pages of stories based on family history, beginning in Sweden with immigration to North Dakota and the region across from Stanton, North Dakota, where Donna's great grandfather, John Ecklund, was said to be the first white homesteader near the Hidatsa Indian settlements. See Knife River Villages.

Gradually, I'm publishing more and more stories, obituaries, and photos relating to our genealogy and respective histories.

As Donna has read more of the stories her mother has written about her pioneer ancestors, her admiration increases for their courage and stamina.  Her great grandmother, Mari, was a woman with true "staying power" and faith in God.
Mari married John Ecklund after a courtship of about two days and then traveled to her future dugout home by horses and wagon.
(At least, she didn't have to go by cart and ox!) Mari had been a hotel cook in
Bismarck, ND.     
John had tasted her culinary efforts there, when he had made stopovers, after hauling loads of buffalo bones to Bismarck with his cart and ox. Sometime during those stays he decided Mari would make him the perfect wife.    

Donna hopes to have a web site soon specifically for genealogical sharing, with stories and photos (using thumbnails). Who knows? Maybe a few of the "oldies" will show up here.  It has been started! Old Times and New Beginnings

Donna, an occasional writer of verse and short stories, has written a suspense novel with a Sedona locale. More or less completed, its title is Blood in Sedona Red Rocks.  Yes, it's a murder mystery! What else?! A few of her poems show up in the Red Rock Chapbook.

Bruce retired in 1994 from United Airlines, where he was a commercial pilot for 39 years. He began his flying career in the US Navy with a stint on aircraft carriers. He grew up in Middletown, Illinois where his father owned and ran the small local bank. He dazzled Donna on one of their first dates by taking her to the movie "Cinerama Holiday," a film in which he had flown aerial maneuvers off a carrier. Before Bruce retired from his commercial duties, he was captaining 747s to and from China and Australia, among other places. He retired as a captain in 1990, but continued to fly as a second officer until November 1994.  

These days, Donna and Bruce share an interest in genealogy, "surfing the net," and spending time with their families. They have two adult sons: Bruce, a former professional keyboardist, moved to Sedona from Illinois (Chicago area), now licensed in Arizona real estate; and Brian, retired Character Principal Ballet Dancer of Pittsburgh, PA, now a finance graduate with MBA from University of Pittsburgh and living in Virginia with his family.  Brian is married to Laura Desiree, a retired Principal Ballet Dancer with Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre.They have one son. Laura's lineage can be traced to Mayflower passengers, Miles Standish, John Allen, John Howland, and John Tilley, among others. Brian's lineage has been traced primarily to England and the Scandinavian countries. Laura and Brian's daughter, Alana Vivian, was born 12 September 2000.

Bruce and Donna would love to hear from anyone who shares some of their interests. Any Scandinavians out there? Please sign the Guest Book and tell us all what you would like to see on this site.

Click to photo page to see photograph of Bruce and Donna on the deck of their Sedona home. Donna took the picture of a hot air balloon from her front door. She wishes she had a picture of the hang glider soaring in the sky above them one afternoon at the same location. Maybe the photos and stories from the Airplay Paragliding School (hang gliding) link site will do!!


Abbey's Web  Bruce has been on a reading marathon of Abbey books. He recently read The Journey Home, The Fool's Progress, and The Monkey Wrench Gang. I think it is time for us to put a Book Review page on our site, along with an Amazon link! Edward Abbey has some eye-opening stuff to tell us about what is happening to our environment. Of course, many people regard his comments as old news and a "so what?" attitude. But he also has many beautiful word images to share on our deserts and other areas. Anyone have anything more to say on the subject? Leave your comments here. Guest Book

 This link can be copied and linked freely to Abbey's Web site. Go for it.  Maybe more people will be encouraged to read his books and take some of the issues of conservation and EPA more seriously!

Art Bell Show  What can I say? We live in Sedona

Aunt Ruth Here she was in a Lawrence, Kansas newspaper when she celebrated her100th birthday in 1998. She died in 2002.  We will miss her.

Betty Swanson "Meet the Onliners" My cousin, who makes beautiful baskets and enjoys computer stuff almost as much as I do!

Bible  More and more people are apparently reading and studying the Bible. I read that in a recent month this site received 6 million hits! In the top fifty of a recent count by Lycos search engine requests, it rated #21. No, it didn't beat out Pokemon, Valentine's Day, IRS, and many others; but it seems to be gaining ground.The hosts are Bud and Betty Miller, Directors of Christ Unlimited Ministries, of Dewey, Arizona.

Bird Woman Sakakawea  Donna's connection to the Missouri River, Lewis & Clark expedition and the stories of Sakakawea.

Bismarck Tribune This is where I find news about North Dakota and the latest obituaries there!

Blood on the Red Rocks Please note the URL: (should be easy to remember)? This is the site I am developing to market the mystery/suspense novel I recently completed (with Sedona setting).  I plan to publish it this year with

Dogpile One of my favorite search engines

NEW--ForSouthpaws Only Lefthanded people seem to have many special talents. Just check out this site and you'll discover that they have good company. My husband, Bruce, is one of such gifted folks. Also--my daughter in law, Laura; Prince William; Randy Johnson; & many other gifted people.

GranGran Graphics and more This web site not only has original graphics, but many interesting stories. With the name "GranGran," one must know there are children-related pages--and grandmotherly morsels of wisdom!!

Kathy's Woolworth Family She has some serious genealogy collections here.

Lieve2000 My new penpal from Belgium/Greece; by the way, she's a former stewardess!

Remember When . . . ?  Yes, what a difference fifty years can make! This is an interesting place with many humorous and insightful articles.Thanks, Dorothy.
do a web site.

Song Files A great collection of oldies. Anyone who likes to sing along can have fun here. Thanks, Dorothy.

Washburn North Dakota Donna's home town. A great little city on the Missouri River. It's now getting ready for all the Lewis & Clark festivities.