(out of state or out of country)

Pat Reimers  08-1988   Lisle, il
Irene Reimers  6-1989  Bismarck, nd
Bruce Bloomquist  il
Renate & David Norum  Northbrook, il
Erin & Douglas Woolworth  1990  LA
Lavyrl & Jerry Woolworth  1990  Baton Rouge, la
Adeline & Lou Black   09-1990  IL
Rosie & John Plocker  mn
Dallas & Birger Sponberg 05-1996 Deerfield, il
Brian & Laura Bloomquist 6-1993  pa
Nate Bloomquist 3-1994
Nate Bloomquist  with Mom & Dad  visiting in Sedona June 1995  Pittsburgh, pa
Visitors from Greece
JoAnn & Gerry Nelson  mn
Jeanette & Howard Nuerenburg  nd
Marilynn & Sol Tannebaum  Olympia Fields, IL
Cindy & Monte Carvell & sons  Bismarck, nd
Janet & Al Carvell Washburn, nd
Marian & Reuben Reinhardt April 1989  nd
Harvey Litwiller, Shirley & Phyllis  1995  il & az
Lois Lewis   04-1997 IL & FL
Marge Massa & Norma Marquardt 4-1997 Elmhurst, il
Ginny & Warren Wong  03-2000  mn
Irene Bloomquist &  Merle Simmons  12-2000  ia
Laura, Brian, Alana & Nate Bloomquist 5-2001 va
Sherrian's family here for wedding  5-2001
Char & Bob Cooper  11-2001 IL
Barbara & Merris Brady 2-2002  Topeka, KS